
Spiritual Sustenance
Proverbs 22:6 (NLT) Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.
It is the church’s priority to partner with families and help to develop their children’s spiritual life with Kingdom principles. The ambitions, hopes, and dreams of our youth require a stable foundation to build upon. That foundation has to be fertile with the teachings and practices of God. There’s nothing more heartbreaking than to champion our youth to aspire to great heights and then see them crumble when something goes wrong, because we did not champion them in developing their faith and purpose in Jesus Christ as the Head of their life. Their greatest spiritual accomplishment is in their knowing Whose they are and Who they can confidently depend on when things fall apart. The church community has a Kingdom obligation to provide the spiritual sustenance they need to live and thrive as Kingdom citizens in this fallen world. Will you commit to seeing that our children are actively and consistently involved in youth activities within the church? Doing so now will afford them to be able to have a deeper understanding of the world around them and how they are to navigate their Kingdom light in it.